

Learn @ home

Resources to keep children curious and engaged while learning from a distance.

MEES Open School

École Ouverte site - Teacher section

This space is intended to support all teachers and school staff who are committed to helping Québec students. It provides a path that can be easily adapted to reflect individual realities. The site was launched in the initial days of schools closing across Quebec. Check back frequently as the site continues to be updated with new resources.


J'enseigne a distance: Formation gratuite offerte par le MEES

Université TÉLUQ has a free asynchronous online course for Teachers to learn how to teach online. The service was provided in response to growing needs to support Quebec Teachers in getting online with their students (The resource is presently only available in French.)

Campus RÉCIT

Les personnes-ressources du RÉCIT proposent un lieu commun où ils partagent leur expertise sous la forme de capsules de formation en ligne gratuite. Destiné d’abord aux enseignants, aux conseillers pédagogiques et aux directions, le site Campus RÉCIT accueille des contenus sur des sujets divers en lien avec le Programme de formation de l’école québécoise (PFEQ) et propose différentes activités et ressources pour permettre à l’apprenant de vivre une séquence d’apprentissage à son rythme, seul, avec des collègues ou accompagné d’un conseiller pédagogique.

Assessment and Evaluation of online learning:

Assessment and Evaluation resources will be added as these become available. Look for Evaluation to have its own page on this site , in the future.


Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

Planning lessons and activities for the 20-21 school year offers new challenges for teachers. Will my students be on-line? Will my students be in my classroom? Will I be on-line? Synchronous? Asynchronous? Blended? etc. etc. The answer is … probably.

One way to prepare for multiple possibilities is to look to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as a guide to how materials, activities, productions and assessments can be structured to meet both the needs of our students and our own challenges.

For those who are new to UDL or who want to know more about it, there is a workshop slide deck available on the LEARN Google drive. LINK HERE . The first half of the deck is a general intro to UDL and the second part uses activity sheets for hands-on, small group discussions that explore the Guidelines and Checkpoints of the UDL structure (separated into the 9 tile grid of UDL) .

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Contains the PPTX and activity sheets

UDL addresses 3 key areas. Engagement, Representation, Expression…

  1. Find multiple ways to engage students in learning, from traditional books to individual and group projects, games, student led discussions..etc. This can also include how the classroom is setup (physically or virtually).

  2. Offer students information in multiple ways, text ( large print, Text to Speech enabled), audio, video (Closed Captioned when possible), or some combination, to make that information more accessible to all.

  3. Let students show what they have learned in multiple or different ways, like quizzes, building a model, an oral presentation, a video, a portfolio…

Web resources for UDL:

Self-Directed Course on UDL (BC Ministry of Education):

Web Article: Distance Learning: 6 UDL Best Practices for Online Learning:

(Some of these also apply to face to face classroom settings)

PDF: Top 10 UDL Tips for Designing an Engaging Learning Environment

Web Article: The difference between Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Traditional Education