
Real Time Online

Synchronous Options

Examples: Telephone, text chat, videoconference (Zoom, MS Teams, Google Meet, Skype, etc)

PROS: Eases feeling of isolation. Allows quick teacher response and intervention. Allows for more complex explanations.

CONS: More time consuming. Requires more organization. Requires scheduling with students to avoid time conflicts. Several people at a given household may be sharing devices and wifi at the same time.

Safety and Consent Best Practices:

  • Let’s remember to protect and respect student identity.

  • Involve parents and guardians in the process of having students online. Get documented permissions

  • Use closed-group virtual classrooms for students to submit work.

  • When sharing the link for an online session, assign a password for anyone to join the session.

Videoconferencing Tools


ZOOM quick start guide

LEARN’s online solutions page

(Note: This resource is intended for those participating in LEARN Virtual School courses. However, the resource can be generalized to other contexts to help use ZOOM in your own setting).

Zoom quick-start guide for students (courtesy LEARN Quebec)

PPT intro to zoom (courtesy of Riverside School Board)

Security best practices:

  • Use a password for participants to join your session

  • Use an automatically Generated ID number rather than your Personal ID

Google Meet

Google Meet for Teachers

Google Meet saves you time, keeps you organized, and allows you to connect and collaborate with your students in real time. Get started today with resources and tips from educators like you.

Skype in the Classroom

Skype in the Classroom

You may not be in a position to assemble all of your students for an event with content providers but the Skype education site has useful resources on how to get started with Skype along with best netiquette practices.